Cayman Islands (UK)
Population: 35,900.
Land area: 260 sq km.
Tourist arrivals by air:
381,188 (+2.1% on prev. yr.)
Tourist arrivals by cruise ship:
865,383 (+12.2% on prev. yr.)
Total Tourist Expenditures:
$493.0 million USD.
Tourism Budget: $21.6
million USD.
GDP at factor cost:
$710.5 million USD.
1994 figures on whale watching:
1998 figures on whale watching:
Whale-watching ports (current or potential):
Limited information.
Land-based viewing sites:
Limited information.
Whale-watching potential:
(Figures above are latest figures for 1997, except as noted.)
The Cayman Islands, located due south of Cuba, is
a dependent territory of the UK.
The three islands of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman
and Cayman Brac cover a total area of 100 square miles (260 sq km). Tourism, the main industry in the islands, has
been growing steadily in recent years, with mainly American tourists. Cruise ship
passenger arrivals reached 866,600 in 1997, 12% up on the previous year and a figure
that was the fifth highest in the entire Greater Caribbean. Tourist arrivals by air were
381,200 and total expenditures were $493 million USD. All the 1998 figures are not in yet
but it may be a record year for the islands. In recent years, whales (probably sperm whales)
and various dolphins are being reported more often around the Cayman Islands,
but it is not considered regular enough to warrant offering whale watch tours. It is
possible that survey work could turn up some accessible populations, but no such work has been
done in Cayman Islands waters to date. There are considerable diving and yachting
opportunities, and a well developed tourism infrastructure to support the further development
of marine tourism.
Acknowledgments: L. Angela Martins (Director
Tourism, Cayman Islands); Government House (through MAFF, UK), CTO 1997.